Seeing a Shoe Hold the Door Open
Optical linguistics are infelicitous by nature. The stranger desires an outcome, an attainment to totality that can not be given involuntarily by the subject. A glance becomes a quick consumption, leaving the stranger with only a memory of the subject— an infection. Too long a stare begins to warp the image of another into a misunderstanding of what lies in front of them. When one is viewed for a time in-between a glance and a stare, the stranger believes they have understood what they have seen and take away less than before. To be viewed is a ‘mugs game’; you are only given what is already (mis)translated.
Exhibited in ‘Paratatic Imagery’ curated by Trent Craword at the VCA Artspace, and at The Bundoora Homestead (forethcoming)
Optical linguistics are infelicitous by nature. The stranger desires an outcome, an attainment to totality that can not be given involuntarily by the subject. A glance becomes a quick consumption, leaving the stranger with only a memory of the subject— an infection. Too long a stare begins to warp the image of another into a misunderstanding of what lies in front of them. When one is viewed for a time in-between a glance and a stare, the stranger believes they have understood what they have seen and take away less than before. To be viewed is a ‘mugs game’; you are only given what is already (mis)translated.
Exhibited in ‘Paratatic Imagery’ curated by Trent Craword at the VCA Artspace, and at The Bundoora Homestead (forethcoming)